domingo, 7 de outubro de 2007



Finalmente recebi mais um comentário. Acho que é apenas o segundo, desde que criamos o nosso bog. Até agora eu só tenho recebido e-mails falando das postagens, por isso estou feliz por este comentário.

A minha felicidade tem a ver com o facto de eu pretender que este seja um blog partilhado, no qual toda a gente comenta e opina. Como eu disse no início deste blog, as postagens que eu coloco destinam-se apenas a ser um ponto de partida para discussões sobre as temáticas de eleição deste blog; desenvolvimento, ODM, Anti-corrupção, governança, etc,

Por isso me caiu tão bem este comentário. Não tem a ver directamente com as temáticas que se pretende discutir, (redução da pobreza , desenvolvimento, etc ) , mas poderá até ter muito a ver. Este comentário concentra-se na questão da língua e da não publicação de artigos em português. Eis o comentário e eis também a minha modesta resposta. Temos finalmente, por onde começar os nossos “ djumbais”. O meu agradecimento ao “anónimo” que quis perder algum do seu tempo lendo este nosso blog.


Anônimo deixou um novo comentário sobre a sua postagem "Guinée-Bissau : Narco-Etat... le risque est réel !...":

for Helder Vaz
the wonderful citizens of your country may also be interested in particular articles in portuguese. Related to your english posting on corruption, see for instance this one:
evidently the article on the '10 myths on governance and corruption' which you have posted in english is being widely read in various languages -- even in the IMF F&D website itself from where you obtained the english article, among other languages, one can now find it in spanish, french, and russian, and apparently it has been translated to arabic as well. On this, among others, one article on it in portuguese is at:

A RESPOSTA / Dialogando:

You are right my dear friend. But I’ am here positively, only to share and no more. Definitely no more. As I use to receive the alert notifications daily in English and French, by e-mail, I use to post them at our blog as they are, without comments , just to provide information and to help and guide less informed colleagues to find the resources for their work. As you know , in Guinea-Bissau the internet services are very poor and don’t allow them to access so easily as abroad.

Anyway , my colleagues I am trying to provide some information here, are much more fluent in English and French then me. Unfortunately most of the “ wonderful citizens of my country “ have no access to the internet services, energy, water and sanitation, etc. The reality is that even if they might or “may also be interested in particular articles in Portuguese”, it will not be easy for them to read my blog. Thus my target is different and smaller and my purposes are to help some professionals in Guinea-Bissau working on development issues. And, of course I do this for pleasure and to relax at the week-end.

The article in Portuguese, you kindly sent to me ( ) had already been posted at our blog (at 19:07), even before your comment (22:23) . Unfortunately the Portuguese translation of the article is not as complete as the English version. As you can see, today I decided to post some articles in Portuguese from Brazil. But it isn’t easy (for me) to find good and complete articles in Portuguese. I am a lover of the Portuguese language, but I have no time to translate all the articles I read every single day, from all the sources.

At last but not least, please, take a look at the Portuguese translation of the Myth #2, at the article you mentioned:

Daniel Kaufmann :

“Myth #2: Governance and corruption cannot be measured. It is true that less than a dozen years ago virtually no internationally comparable measures of governance or corruption existed. But in recent years, the World Bank and others have sought to remedy this. At the World Bank, we have constructed aggregate governance indicators that cover more than 200 countries, based on more than 350 variables obtained from dozens of institutions worldwide. Our indicators cover the following six dimensions of governance: voice and accountability; political stability and the absence of major violence and terror; government effectiveness; regulatory quality; rule of law; and control of corruption.

While the indicators represent a big step forward, there are measurement challenges. Margins of error are not trivial, and caution in interpreting the results is warranted—one should not precisely rank countries. But these margins of error have declined, and are now substantially lower than for any individual measure of corruption, governance, or the investment climate. As a result, the World Bank’s governance indicators are used worldwide for monitoring performance, for country assessments, and for research.”

Portugal Diário :

“Segundo Kaufman, governação e corrupção não podem ser mensurados. Mas o Banco Mundial reuniu em base de dados indicadores de governação de mais de 200 países, constituidos por mais de 350 variáveis obtidos por dezenas de instituições por todo o mundo.”


Anyway I appreciate your kind and useful comment, and I must thank you for your interest and very wise and important guidance. ESTAMOS JUNTOS!


Um domingo feliz para todos e para cada um de vós.